Centro Polifunzionale Don Calabria, Casa Filiale Della Congregazione Poveri Servi Della Divina Provvidenza, Casa Buoni Fanciulli, Istituto Don Calabria
Via San Marco 121
37138 (Verona) (I)

Contact person
Maurizio Chiappa
Email: maurizio.chiappa@

“Centro Polifunzionale don Calabria” is one of the several structures developed by the “Istituto don Calabria”, a worldwide organization with the head office in Verona (Italy). It started its activities more than 50 years ago, always acting as a nonprofit organization.

It carries out rehabilitation, vocational training and retraining, job integration and promotion of social integration through four distinct areas that interact in a connected system. It employs about 300 professionals for the provision of services to more than 10.000 users per year:

Rehabilitation area: physical and psychological therapeutic interventions and rehabilitative therapies in the Centre for Rehabilitation "CMS Claudio Santi” (2795 Clients)

Vocational training Area: school vocational guidance, vocational training for young people, employed or unemployed adult training, job placement and mediation work in “Medialabor Employment access service”. In 2013 Vocational Training for young people carried out services for 403 students, Vocational Training for adults for 2121 students, Medialabor for 171 students

Social area for adults with disabilities at the end of the therapeutic and rehabilitative and educational-occupational activities to promote personal autonomy and the expression of individual potential (113 clients)

Sports Area for the community and people with disabilities: 2600 clients/year

Each one of the above mentioned services is formally certified by different Regional and Local Authorities; Medialabor Service also detains an “Equass certification”. The Center also promotes innovative and complex projects with the cooperation of public partners, universities, organizations and private social bodies.

The Center works according to pathways of services which are either individualized or integrated with one another, aiming to the full development and expression of personal attitudes. The integration of expertise in different phases of the delivery process (social – health – sport) and the continuity of services have motivated us to extend and innovate our service provisions for PwD in this project, and specifically in the Physical and Sport activities carried out by our “Rehabilitation Area for Adult people”.

Centro Polifunzionale Don Calabria Via San Marco, 121 - 37138 Verona (Verona) - P.IVA 00280090234 Work tel. (+39) 045.818.41.11 - info@centrodoncalabria.it